February 28, 2012

SHARK fights!

This is a little and fast project for the new SHARK helmets promo, by Mirò Comunicazione [mirocomunicazione.weebly.com] and Emanuale Basso Studio [www.emanuelebasso.com].

My job was to modeling, surfacing and rendering a boxe ring corner, complete with stool and bucket, to composit in the final scene

For the rag on the bucket I used the Modo fur

To gain a good result without spending too much in resources and time, I opted to shape in Zbrush a minor portion of the rope sheaths and then bake it into a normal map.

To render a good base for the final compositing, I used a texture camera projection of the original image onto some rough geometry to gain original reflections on my geometry.

Modeled and rendered in Modo
Sculpting in Zbrush
Compositing in Photoshop

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